The high level of automation of our extruding lines as well as implementation of state-of-the-art solutions enables us to fully adjust the manufacturing process to customer requirements. We extrude profiles from the charge originating from the in-house foundry or from selected and verified suppliers.

of production
We extrude profiles both from soft alloys (1xxx, 6xxx grades) and hard alloys (2xxx, 3xxx, 4xxx, 5xxx and 7xxx grades).
The profiles originating from chamber dies, extruded based on customer individual models which are frequently highly refined and comprehensive, may be manufactured on a mass scale at our press shop.
From hard alloys, we also manufacture speciality products in serial production, such as seamless tubes and drawn bars.
On two of our presses extrusion is carried out with the use of indirect method. The presses, intended for hard-alloy profiles extrusion, ensure the attractiveness of our offer in that area, which is translated into a wide range of dimensions, high production volumes and shorter delivery times. In practice indirect extrusion is perceived as onerous, yet, the technology has been selected due to the exceptional quality of products manufactured by such presses. Complete automation of the presses and properly designed auxiliary infrastructure guarantee high efficiency of the process.
An adequately selected, modern indirect extrusion technology provides reliability and easy handling which are similar to those within the widespread direct extrusion technology.
Weight of profiles (designed profiles): min 0.65 kg/m; max 24 kg/m.
Standard CCD: min 8 mm; max 280 mm.

Post-extrusion finishing
To provide the extruded profiles with adequate strength properties we use gas furnaces for ageing and annealing, as well as a salt-bath furnace for supersaturation.
We also posses a series of equipment for finishing pressed materials, for example cutting on presses, or strengthening, drawing, bevelling, marking (lengthwise print or end face stamping) of hard-alloy products.
Packing and storage
We care for packing to fit the required surface quality of profiles and their dimensions, as well as the means of transport and the storage methods. We are ready for special product packing orders but my also propose our solutions to the customers. The catalogue of packing instructions developed by our technologists has been included in the Quality Management System.
Quality control
Consequently for several years we have been implementing more and more strict quality requirements and accepting standards required by the automotive or railway sectors. Complying with the procedures of the implemented Quality Management Systems, we carry out adequate tests, measurements and product observation at each stage of manufacturing, as well as document the activities.