Responsible Business


Grupa Kęty works with care for the natural environment.

GK w liczbach

The purpose of the environmental protection activities of Grupa Kęty is the highest possible neutral impact on the environment as well as permanent and sustainable development.

The company has assumed and applied the principle of preventing pollution by eliminating its sources. Our objective is to efficiently utilise the resources and limit to the utmost extent the emissions to the environment. We have been concentrating on limiting the consumption of materials, water and energy, and on eliminating waste and hazardous materials. In reference to products we have applied an approach based on the product life-cycle, reducing their impact on the environment by way of an effective process of aluminium waste recovery.


In order to effectively ‘invest in ecology’ and take optimal decisions, we have also adjusted our accounting system to the environmental requirements. The model of ‘green accounting’ helps us to fully analyse the costs and reflect the environmental aspects in the Company reporting.


Regular modernisation of our machines and plant as well as the implementation of the environmental management system based on the continuous improvement principle in accordance with the ISO 9001:2015 standard, enable us to fully comply with the binding laws and quickly adjust to the new requirements. As part of the system, we have implemented procedures concerning the operational control of the processes encompassing environmental aspects as well as emergency response procedures.

Compliance with law and environmental neutrality are the starting point for the social engagement of Grupa Kęty and promotion of environmentally-friendly behaviours.

The responsibility of Grupa Kęty for the environment results from the Strategy assumed by the Management Board based on sustainable development and social responsibility.

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