The beginnings of the Polish aluminium industry reach the years 1920s. However, the sector of extruded products started to develop only in 1953 when the first production plant of our Company was opened in Kęty.
Throughout the decades of its existence, the Company has been continuously developing, new production plants have been created, as well as trade companies in Poland and abroad, the organisation of the Company has changed and the nature of the manufactured products, too.
Today, the impressive holding of the Capital Group of Grupa Kęty S.A. is a centre of the aluminium industry in Poland.

The Grupa Kęty S.A. Capital Group consists of three business segments related to aluminium processing. The Extruded Products Segment of the holding is a manufacturer of aluminium profiles and components.

Grupa Kęty S.A. has been invariably occupying the first position among the growing number of Polish aluminium profiles manufacturers, and its comprehensive services are unequalled. It is also a major player of the global aluminium business.

15 presses and in-house facilities consisting of foundries, dies and tools production workshops, aluminium components manufacturing plants and anodising unit make up an enterprise built on modern equipment and technologies, which possesses the capacity to manufacture 120,000 tonnes of products a year.
of the Capital
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